dofile("definitions.Quanty") G2plus3 = Spectra.Sum(G,{0,1,1},{-0.3,0.5,1.0}) G.Print({{"file","Spectra.dat"}}) G2plus3.Print({{"file","Spectra.Sum.dat"}}) gnuplotScript = gnuplotHead .. [[ set output "" plot "Spectra.dat" using 1:(-$3+16) title 'T1' with lines ls 1,\ "Spectra.dat" using 1:(-$5+12) title 'T2' with lines ls 2,\ "Spectra.dat" using 1:(-$7+8 ) title 'T3' with lines ls 3,\ "Spectra.Sum.dat" using 1:(-$3+4 ) title 'T2+T3' with lines ls 4,\ "Spectra.Sum.dat" using 1:(-$5 ) title '-0.3 T1 + 0.5 T2 + 1.0 T3' with lines ls 4 ]] file ="Spectra.Sum.gnuplot", "w") file:write(gnuplotScript) file:close() os.execute("gnuplot Spectra.Sum.gnuplot") os.execute("convert -density 1024 -resize 1024 Spectra.Sum.png")