asked by Ruiwen Xie (2025/03/12 09:50)
Dear Prof. Haverkort,
When I was running the Quanty script regarding the DMFT calculation, in specific, 06_Core_Level_Spectroscopy_DMFT.Quanty, with the lines
Pl = Graphics.Plot(G, GammaL, GammaG, {{"Negate",true},{"plotRe",false},{"Frame",{{"Ymin",0},{"Ymax",30},{"Xmin",-4},{"Xmax",4},{"dYTick",5},{"dXTick",0.5},{"FontSize",0.03},{"YFormat","%3.0f"},{"XFormat","%3.1f"},{"XLabel","E [t]"},{"YLabel","G"}}}}) PlSVG = Graphics.ToSVG(Pl) file,err ="G.svg",'w') file:write(PlSVG) file:close()
I could only see the frame of the figure but there is no data of G plotted.
However, in another script with the command
PlG = Graphics.Plot(G,0,GammaG,{{"PlotPoints",2000},{"Frame",{{"Ymin",-YRange},{"Ymax",YRange},{"dYTick",dYTick},{"Xmin",Emin},{"Xmax",Emax},{"dXTick",2},{"XLabel","Energy [t]"},{"YLabel","Intensity"}}}}) SVGPlG = Graphics.ToSVG(PlG) file ="Plots/PlG_"..tostring(i)..".svg",'w') file:write(SVGPlG) file:close()
I could get the plot without any issue.
I tried also on MacOS, and both worked without any problem.
Do you have any clue about this problem?
Thanks a lot for your time!