====== HybridizationFunctionFromFPLO ====== ### The function HybridizationFunctionFromFPLO(FPLOout) generates a response function object using the output of the FPLO calculation. See also [[documentation:language_reference:functions:readfplo|ReadFPLO]] and [[documentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:start|response function]] object. ### ### FPLO currently only supports the calculation of the diagonal elements of a density of states. As such we can not access the full hybridisation function using FPLO. For high symmetry systems (cubic with $s$, $p$ or $d$ orbitals and no spin-orbit coupling) this is ok, for lower symmetry systems this is not. We are working on a solution to extend the saving / export options in FPLO to remedy this. ### ===== Table of contents ===== {{indexmenu>.#1}}