{{indexmenu_n>999}} ====== ToOperator ====== ### //H, BitMasks = ResponseFunction.ToOperator(G)// Creates a tight binding Hamiltonian $H$ in operator form from a response function $G$. See [[documentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:functions:totightbinding|ResponseFunction.ToTigthbinding]] for more information on how the Hamiltonian is obtained from $G$. //BitMasks// contains a table relating the indices to physical meaningful subspaces. See [[documentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:functions:createbitmasks|ResponseFunction.CreateBitMasks]] for more information. ### ### Possible options are * AddSpin: Boolean, if true the Hilbert space is doubled with the even indices (starting at 0) related to spin down and the odd (starting at 1) to spin up. * Fermion shift: Integer defining a shift added to all indices used in the operator. ### ===== Table of contents ===== {{indexmenu>../#2|tsort}}