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documentation:language_reference:functions:expand [2024/12/31 14:49] Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:language_reference:functions:expand [2024/12/31 14:50] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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-psiList = Expand(Psi) expands a state $\Psi$ written as a sum over single Slater determinant states $\psi_i$ into a list of single Slater determinant states $\psi_i$. psiList has $2^NF$ elements.+psiList = Expand(Psi) expands a state $\Psi$ written as a sum over single Slater determinant states $\psi_i$ into a list of single Slater determinant states $\psi_i$. psiList has $2^{N_F}$ elements.
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-psiList = Expand(Psi,indexlist) expands only the indices included in index list. psiList has $2^(#indexlist)$ elements.+psiList = Expand(Psi,indexlist) expands only the indices included in index list. psiList has $2^{Len}$ with //len=#indexlist// elements.
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