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documentation:language_reference:functions:filereaddresdenfplo [2024/09/18 18:20] Sina Shokridocumentation:language_reference:functions:filereaddresdenfplo [2025/01/06 15:23] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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-The function //FileReadDresdenFPLO(path_to_out)// reads in the output file of the FPLO calculation. This function only reads information necessary for creating a TB Hamiltonian (using the Wannier orbitals from FPLO wan output) and is used to later generate the [[documentation:language_reference:objects:tightbinding:start|tight binding]] object. See also the function [[documentation:language_reference:functions:readfplo|ReadFPLO()]].+The function //FileReadDresdenFPLO(path_to_out)// reads in the output file of an FPLO calculation. //path_to_out// should be the file name of a file containing the data FPLO writes to standard output when called whilst creating Wannier functions. This function only reads information necessary for creating a TB Hamiltonian (using the Wannier orbitals from FPLO wan output) and is used to later generate the [[documentation:language_reference:objects:tightbinding:start|tight binding]] object. See also the function [[documentation:language_reference:functions:readfplo|ReadFPLO()]], which reads more output.
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 ===== Output ===== ===== Output =====
-  * pointer to the FPLO output generated inside Quanty.+  * A DresdenFPLO user data type that can be used to generate response functions or tight binding Hamiltonians
 ===== Example ===== ===== Example =====