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documentation:language_reference:functions:meanfieldoperator [2024/12/16 13:07] – changed indices to reflect rotationallly invariant form of Self-Interaction Correction Kevin Ackermanndocumentation:language_reference:functions:meanfieldoperator [2024/12/16 14:14] (current) – added transpose for DFt correction Kevin Ackermann
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 If the option AddDFTSelfInteraction was set to true more terms are added to the Mean-Field Operator, namely If the option AddDFTSelfInteraction was set to true more terms are added to the Mean-Field Operator, namely
 \begin{equation} \begin{equation}
-\sum_{m,n} U \langle a^\dagger_m a^{\phantom{\dagger}}_n \rangle a^\dagger_m a^{\phantom{\dagger}}_n+\sum_{m,n} U (\langle a^\dagger_m a^{\phantom{\dagger}}_n \rangle)^{T} a^\dagger_m a^{\phantom{\dagger}}_n
 \end{equation} \end{equation}
 where where