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documentation:language_reference:functions:readfplo [2024/09/18 18:30] Sina Shokridocumentation:language_reference:functions:readfplo [2025/01/06 15:30] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 ### ###
-The function //ReadFPLO(path_to_dft_dir)// is more general version of the function [[documentation:language_reference:functions:filereaddresdenfplo|FileReadDresdenFPLO()]] and is still under development. It reads several files within the folder where FPLO calculation is done, including the (partial) density of states of local (basis) orbitals in files having names of the format +ldos.sortxxx.nlyyy. The output of the function can be given as argument to the function [[documentation:language_reference:functions: HybridizationFunctionFromFPLO | HybridizationFunctionFromFPLO()]] to generate the hybridization function (a [[documentation/language_reference/objects/responsefunction/start|response function]]).  +The function //ReadFPLO(path_to_dft_dir)// reads several output files from a DFT calculation done with FPLOIt returns a DresdenFPLO user data type that can be used to generate response functions or tight binding Hamiltonians. The files processed by //ReadFPLO// in the folder //path_to_dft_dir// are 
-### +  * //=.in//                 (must be present) 
- +  * //=.str_template//       (must be present) 
-===== Input ===== +  * //+ldos.sortxxx.nlyyy//  (optional) reads the partial density of states
- +
-  * bla : Integer +
-  * bla2 : Real +
- +
-===== Output ===== +
- +
-  * bla : real +
- +
-===== Example =====+
 +The output of the function can be given as argument to the function [[documentation:language_reference:functions: HybridizationFunctionFromFPLO | HybridizationFunctionFromFPLO()]] to generate the hybridization function (a [[documentation/language_reference/objects/responsefunction/start|response function]]). 
 ### ###
-description text 
-==== Input ==== 
-<code Quanty Example.Quanty> 
--- some example code 
-==== Result ==== 
-<file Quanty_Output> 
-text produced as output 
 ===== Table of contents ===== ===== Table of contents =====
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