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documentation:language_reference:objects:matrix:functions:touserdata [2024/12/12 16:55] Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:language_reference:objects:matrix:functions:touserdata [2024/12/12 18:14] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
Line 15: Line 15:
 <code Quanty Example.Quanty> <code Quanty Example.Quanty>
 --This creates a table of tables --This creates a table of tables
-A = Matrix.Random({-2,2},{10000,10000}+A = Matrix.Random({-2,2},{10000,10000},{{"userdata",false}}
 TimeStart("Table of Tables") TimeStart("Table of Tables")
 B = Matrix.Transpose(A) B = Matrix.Transpose(A)
Line 25: Line 24:
 print(B[1][1]) print(B[1][1])
 TimeEnd("Table of Tables") TimeEnd("Table of Tables")
 AUData = Matrix.ToUserdata(A) AUData = Matrix.ToUserdata(A)
---A is, after this point, no longer needed. + 
-A = nil +
-B = nil +
-collectgarbage() +
 TimeStart("Userdata") TimeStart("Userdata")
 B = Matrix.Transpose(AUData) B = Matrix.Transpose(AUData)
Line 37: Line 32:
 B = Matrix.ConjugateTranspose(B) B = Matrix.ConjugateTranspose(B)
 B = B - AUData B = B - AUData
---In case we want to access the first element. 
-B = Matrix.ToTable(B) 
 print(B[1][1]) print(B[1][1])
 TimeEnd("Userdata") TimeEnd("Userdata")
 TimePrint() TimePrint()
 </code> </code>