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documentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:methods:start [2024/09/16 11:47] – created Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:methods:start [2024/12/22 16:22] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 ### ###
-alligned paragraph text+Methods can be used to modify response functions without the need to make a copy. B = fun(A) leaves A unchanged and assigns a new value to B. A.fun() modifies A. Below you see a list of available methods.
 ### ###
-===== Example ===== 
-description text 
-==== Input ==== 
-<code Quanty Example.Quanty> 
--- some example code 
-==== Result ==== 
-<file Quanty_Output> 
-text produced as output 
 ===== Table of contents ===== ===== Table of contents =====
 {{indexmenu>.#1|msort}} {{indexmenu>.#1|msort}}