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documentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:start [2024/12/18 16:42] Maurits W. Haverkortdocumentation:language_reference:objects:responsefunction:start [2024/12/20 17:07] (current) Maurits W. Haverkort
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 Below you find several functions, methods, properties and operations related to response functions. Below you find several functions, methods, properties and operations related to response functions.
-Response functions can be stored internally as Lua tables with the meta table set, or as a user data. Both objects behave similarly. One should be careful as a comparison between a response function stored as a table to a response function stored as a user data is always falls. That said, comparing functions of doubles will always be problematic due to numerical inaccuracies.+Response functions can be stored internally as Lua tables with a metatable set to ResponseFunctionMeta, or as a user data. Both objects behave similarly. One should be careful as a comparison between a response function stored as a table to a response function stored as a user data is always falls. That said, comparing functions of doubles will always be problematic due to numerical inaccuracies.
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