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Quanty is a text based program. In order to run it you need to make a text file that contains the commands you want to execute, then you run the program with as an input the name of the text file. Running such a program goes via the “terminal”. You can find the terminal in your launchpad under the subfolder other. Once you've opened the terminal a new empty window appears in which you can type. Welcome to the world of linux and text based interfacing as it was standard in the 1980's. From here you can control your computer with text commands. A few useful commands are:

  • ls - list the files in the folder you are in at the moment
  • cd - changes you to a new folder
  • pwd - shows you the folder you are in
  • open -t filename - opens the file with the name filename in a text editor

In order to find a full tutorial on linux you can google “linux bash shell commands”. This will give you more sites and information than you want to know.

We now need to place the program Quanty into a folder where you can run it easily from within the terminal. To do so we will create the folder “bin” in your home directory and add the bin to your path such that wherever you are your computer can always find Quanty. The first thing to do is to change to directory to


description text


-- some example code


text produced as output

Table of contents
