Table of Contents
This is an old revision of the document!
(will be published in fall 2018)
PartialMeanFieldOperator(op,rho,indices) returns a copy of op where any 2-particle terms acting on indices are replaced by Hartree-Fock mean-field theory, using the density rho (compare MeanFieldOperator()).
If the option AddDFTSelfInteraction is set to true the electron-self interaction is added on top to simulate the behaviour encountered in DFT.
op : An operator.
rho : A density matrix.
indices : A list of indices.
Possible options are:
AddDFTSelfInteraction : bool defining if the electron self-interaction is to be included (Standard false).
PMFop : A copy of op, where any 2-particle interaction acting on indices is replaced by mean-field theory.
- Example.Quanty
-- some example code
text produced as output
Table of contents