I unable to run the program

asked by Jyoti Sahu (2022/02/05 18:33)

I have downloaded crispy software. And I encountered an error (Ni2+_Oh_2p_XAS.lua:287: ERROR: first argument in NewOperator (Tx) is not recognized as a known operatortype See Help(“NewOperator”) for more information) when I tried to run the application. I followed the required instructions under “installation,” therefore I don't believe this is the problem. Please advise me about how to solve the problem.


, 2022/02/20 07:05

Hello Jyoti,

If you are still running into this issue, can you post the .lua input file that Crispy generates when you try to run the code? In the bottom right hand corner of the Crispy GUI there is a “Save Input As…” button, which should allow you to get this input file.

, 2022/02/20 14:06, 2022/03/01 10:08

Hello Sir, Thank you for your response. I've attached a file with some input.

-- Quanty input file generated using Crispy. If you use this file please cite
-- the following reference: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1008184.
-- elements: 3d
-- symmetry: Oh
-- experiment: XAS
-- edge: L2,3 (2p)

-- Initialize the Hamiltonians.
H_i = 0
H_f = 0

-- Toggle the Hamiltonian terms.
H_atomic = 1
H_crystal_field = 1
H_3d_ligands_hybridization_lmct = 0
H_3d_ligands_hybridization_mlct = 0
H_magnetic_field = 1
H_exchange_field = 0

-- Define the number of electrons, shells, etc.
NBosons = 0
NFermions = 16

NElectrons_2p = 6
NElectrons_3d = 8

IndexDn_2p = {0, 2, 4}
IndexUp_2p = {1, 3, 5}
IndexDn_3d = {6, 8, 10, 12, 14}
IndexUp_3d = {7, 9, 11, 13, 15}

if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_lmct == 1 then
    NFermions = 26

    NElectrons_L1 = 10

    IndexDn_L1 = {16, 18, 20, 22, 24}
    IndexUp_L1 = {17, 19, 21, 23, 25}

if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_mlct == 1 then
    NFermions = 26

    NElectrons_L2 = 0

    IndexDn_L2 = {16, 18, 20, 22, 24}
    IndexUp_L2 = {17, 19, 21, 23, 25}

if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_lmct == 1 and H_3d_ligands_hybridization_mlct == 1 then

-- Define the atomic term.
N_2p = NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexUp_2p, IndexUp_2p, {1, 1, 1})
     + NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexDn_2p, IndexDn_2p, {1, 1, 1})

N_3d = NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexUp_3d, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1})
     + NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexDn_3d, IndexDn_3d, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1})

if H_atomic == 1 then
    F0_3d_3d = NewOperator('U', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, {1, 0, 0})
    F2_3d_3d = NewOperator('U', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, {0, 1, 0})
    F4_3d_3d = NewOperator('U', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, {0, 0, 1})

    F0_2p_3d = NewOperator('U', NFermions, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, {1, 0}, {0, 0})
    F2_2p_3d = NewOperator('U', NFermions, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, {0, 1}, {0, 0})
    G1_2p_3d = NewOperator('U', NFermions, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, {0, 0}, {1, 0})
    G3_2p_3d = NewOperator('U', NFermions, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, {0, 0}, {0, 1})

    U_3d_3d_i = 0.0
    F2_3d_3d_i = 12.2342 * 0.8
    F4_3d_3d_i = 7.5978 * 0.8
    F0_3d_3d_i = U_3d_3d_i + 2 / 63 * F2_3d_3d_i + 2 / 63 * F4_3d_3d_i

    U_3d_3d_f = 0.0
    F2_3d_3d_f = 13.0067 * 0.8
    F4_3d_3d_f = 8.0845 * 0.8
    F0_3d_3d_f = U_3d_3d_f + 2 / 63 * F2_3d_3d_f + 2 / 63 * F4_3d_3d_f
    U_2p_3d_f = 0.0
    F2_2p_3d_f = 7.7212 * 0.8
    G1_2p_3d_f = 5.7835 * 0.8
    G3_2p_3d_f = 3.2902 * 0.8
    F0_2p_3d_f = U_2p_3d_f + 1 / 15 * G1_2p_3d_f + 3 / 70 * G3_2p_3d_f

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          F0_3d_3d_i * F0_3d_3d
        + F2_3d_3d_i * F2_3d_3d
        + F4_3d_3d_i * F4_3d_3d)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          F0_3d_3d_f * F0_3d_3d
        + F2_3d_3d_f * F2_3d_3d
        + F4_3d_3d_f * F4_3d_3d
        + F0_2p_3d_f * F0_2p_3d
        + F2_2p_3d_f * F2_2p_3d
        + G1_2p_3d_f * G1_2p_3d
        + G3_2p_3d_f * G3_2p_3d)

    ldots_3d = NewOperator('ldots', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)

    ldots_2p = NewOperator('ldots', NFermions, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p)

    zeta_3d_i = 0.0826 * 1.0

    zeta_3d_f = 0.1022 * 1.0
    zeta_2p_f = 11.5084 * 1.0

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          zeta_3d_i * ldots_3d)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          zeta_3d_f * ldots_3d
        + zeta_2p_f * ldots_2p)

-- Define the crystal field term.
if H_crystal_field == 1 then
    -- PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {Eeg, Et2g})
    -- tenDq_3d = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {0.6, -0.4}))

    Akm = {{4, 0, 2.1}, {4, -4, 1.5 * sqrt(0.7)}, {4, 4, 1.5 * sqrt(0.7)}}
    tenDq_3d = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, Akm)

    tenDq_3d_i = 1.0

    io.write('Energies of the 3d orbitals in the initial Hamiltonian (crystal field term only):\n')
    io.write('Irrep.        E\n')
    io.write(string.format('eg      %8.3f\n',  0.6 * tenDq_3d_i))
    io.write(string.format('t2g     %8.3f\n', -0.4 * tenDq_3d_i))

    tenDq_3d_f = 1.0

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          tenDq_3d_i * tenDq_3d)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          tenDq_3d_f * tenDq_3d)

-- Define the 3d-ligands hybridization term (LMCT).
if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_lmct == 1 then
    N_L1 = NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexUp_L1, IndexUp_L1, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1})
         + NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexDn_L1, IndexDn_L1, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1})

    Delta_3d_L1_i = 0.0
    e_3d_i = (10 * Delta_3d_L1_i - NElectrons_3d * (19 + NElectrons_3d) * U_3d_3d_i / 2) / (10 + NElectrons_3d)
    e_L1_i = NElectrons_3d * ((1 + NElectrons_3d) * U_3d_3d_i / 2 - Delta_3d_L1_i) / (10 + NElectrons_3d)

    Delta_3d_L1_f = 0.0
    e_3d_f = (10 * Delta_3d_L1_f - NElectrons_3d * (31 + NElectrons_3d) * U_3d_3d_f / 2 - 90 * U_2p_3d_f) / (16 + NElectrons_3d)
    e_2p_f = (10 * Delta_3d_L1_f + (1 + NElectrons_3d) * (NElectrons_3d * U_3d_3d_f / 2 - (10 + NElectrons_3d) * U_2p_3d_f)) / (16 + NElectrons_3d)
    e_L1_f = ((1 + NElectrons_3d) * (NElectrons_3d * U_3d_3d_f / 2 + 6 * U_2p_3d_f) - (6 + NElectrons_3d) * Delta_3d_L1_f) / (16 + NElectrons_3d)

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          e_3d_i * N_3d
        + e_L1_i * N_L1)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          e_3d_f * N_3d
        + e_2p_f * N_2p
        + e_L1_f * N_L1)

    tenDq_L1 = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_L1, IndexDn_L1, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {0.6, -0.4}))

    Veg_3d_L1 = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_L1, IndexDn_L1, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {1, 0}))
              + NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, IndexUp_L1, IndexDn_L1, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {1, 0}))

    Vt2g_3d_L1 = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_L1, IndexDn_L1, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {0, 1}))
               + NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, IndexUp_L1, IndexDn_L1, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {0, 1}))

    tenDq_L1_i = 0.0
    Veg_3d_L1_i = 0.0
    Vt2g_3d_L1_i = 0.0

    tenDq_L1_f = 0.0
    Veg_3d_L1_f = 0.0
    Vt2g_3d_L1_f = 0.0

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          tenDq_L1_i * tenDq_L1
        + Veg_3d_L1_i * Veg_3d_L1
        + Vt2g_3d_L1_i * Vt2g_3d_L1)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          tenDq_L1_f * tenDq_L1
        + Veg_3d_L1_f * Veg_3d_L1
        + Vt2g_3d_L1_f * Vt2g_3d_L1)

-- Define the 3d-ligands hybridization term (MLCT).
if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_mlct == 1 then
    N_L2 = NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexUp_L2, IndexUp_L2, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1})
         + NewOperator('Number', NFermions, IndexDn_L2, IndexDn_L2, {1, 1, 1, 1, 1})

    Delta_3d_L2_i = 0.0
    e_3d_i = U_3d_3d_i * (-NElectrons_3d + 1) / 2
    e_L2_i = Delta_3d_L2_i - U_3d_3d_i * NElectrons_3d / 2 - U_3d_3d_i / 2

    Delta_3d_L2_f = 0.0
    e_3d_f = -(U_3d_3d_f * NElectrons_3d^2 + 11 * U_3d_3d_f * NElectrons_3d + 60 * U_2p_3d_f) / (2 * NElectrons_3d + 12)
    e_2p_f = NElectrons_3d * (U_3d_3d_f * NElectrons_3d + U_3d_3d_f - 2 * U_2p_3d_f * NElectrons_3d - 2 * U_2p_3d_f) / (2 * (NElectrons_3d + 6))
    e_L2_f = (2 * Delta_3d_L2_f * NElectrons_3d + 12 * Delta_3d_L2_f - U_3d_3d_f * NElectrons_3d^2 - U_3d_3d_f * NElectrons_3d - 12 * U_2p_3d_f * NElectrons_3d - 12 * U_2p_3d_f) / (2 * (NElectrons_3d + 6))

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          e_3d_i * N_3d
        + e_L2_i * N_L2)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          e_3d_f * N_3d
        + e_2p_f * N_2p
        + e_L2_f * N_L2)

    tenDq_L2 = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_L2, IndexDn_L2, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {0.6, -0.4}))

    Veg_3d_L2 = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_L2, IndexDn_L2, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {1, 0}))
              + NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, IndexUp_L2, IndexDn_L2, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {1, 0}))

    Vt2g_3d_L2 = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_L2, IndexDn_L2, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {0, 1}))
               + NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, IndexUp_L2, IndexDn_L2, PotentialExpandedOnClm('Oh', 2, {0, 1}))

    tenDq_L2_i = 0.0
    Veg_3d_L2_i = 0.0
    Vt2g_3d_L2_i = 0.0

    tenDq_L2_f = 0.0
    Veg_3d_L2_f = 0.0
    Vt2g_3d_L2_f = 0.0

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          tenDq_L2_i * tenDq_L2
        + Veg_3d_L2_i * Veg_3d_L2
        + Vt2g_3d_L2_i * Vt2g_3d_L2)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          tenDq_L2_f * tenDq_L2
        + Veg_3d_L2_f * Veg_3d_L2
        + Vt2g_3d_L2_f * Vt2g_3d_L2)

-- Define the magnetic field and exchange field terms.
Sx_3d = NewOperator('Sx', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Sy_3d = NewOperator('Sy', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Sz_3d = NewOperator('Sz', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Ssqr_3d = NewOperator('Ssqr', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Splus_3d = NewOperator('Splus', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Smin_3d = NewOperator('Smin', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)

Lx_3d = NewOperator('Lx', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Ly_3d = NewOperator('Ly', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Lz_3d = NewOperator('Lz', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Lsqr_3d = NewOperator('Lsqr', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Lplus_3d = NewOperator('Lplus', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Lmin_3d = NewOperator('Lmin', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)

Jx_3d = NewOperator('Jx', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Jy_3d = NewOperator('Jy', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Jz_3d = NewOperator('Jz', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Jsqr_3d = NewOperator('Jsqr', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Jplus_3d = NewOperator('Jplus', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Jmin_3d = NewOperator('Jmin', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)

Tx_3d = NewOperator('Tx', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Ty_3d = NewOperator('Ty', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)
Tz_3d = NewOperator('Tz', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d)

Sx = Sx_3d
Sy = Sy_3d
Sz = Sz_3d

Lx = Lx_3d
Ly = Ly_3d
Lz = Lz_3d

Jx = Jx_3d
Jy = Jy_3d
Jz = Jz_3d

Tx = Tx_3d
Ty = Ty_3d
Tz = Tz_3d

Ssqr = Sx * Sx + Sy * Sy + Sz * Sz
Lsqr = Lx * Lx + Ly * Ly + Lz * Lz
Jsqr = Jx * Jx + Jy * Jy + Jz * Jz

if H_magnetic_field == 1 then
    Bx_i = 0.0
    By_i = 0.0
    Bz_i = 1.1920928955078125e-07

    Bx_f = 0.0
    By_f = 0.0
    Bz_f = 1.1920928955078125e-07

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          Bx_i * (2 * Sx + Lx)
        + By_i * (2 * Sy + Ly)
        + Bz_i * (2 * Sz + Lz))

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          Bx_f * (2 * Sx + Lx)
        + By_f * (2 * Sy + Ly)
        + Bz_f * (2 * Sz + Lz))

if H_exchange_field == 1 then
    Hx_i = 0.0
    Hy_i = 0.0
    Hz_i = 0.0

    Hx_f = 0.0
    Hy_f = 0.0
    Hz_f = 0.0

    H_i = H_i + Chop(
          Hx_i * Sx
        + Hy_i * Sy
        + Hz_i * Sz)

    H_f = H_f + Chop(
          Hx_f * Sx
        + Hy_f * Sy
        + Hz_f * Sz)

NConfigurations = 1

-- Define the restrictions and set the number of initial states.
InitialRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'111111 0000000000', NElectrons_2p, NElectrons_2p},
                                           {'000000 1111111111', NElectrons_3d, NElectrons_3d}}

FinalRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'111111 0000000000', NElectrons_2p - 1, NElectrons_2p - 1},
                                         {'000000 1111111111', NElectrons_3d + 1, NElectrons_3d + 1}}

if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_lmct == 1 then
    InitialRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'111111 0000000000 0000000000', NElectrons_2p, NElectrons_2p},
                                               {'000000 1111111111 0000000000', NElectrons_3d, NElectrons_3d},
                                               {'000000 0000000000 1111111111', NElectrons_L1, NElectrons_L1}}

    FinalRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'111111 0000000000 0000000000', NElectrons_2p - 1, NElectrons_2p - 1},
                                             {'000000 1111111111 0000000000', NElectrons_3d + 1, NElectrons_3d + 1},
                                             {'000000 0000000000 1111111111', NElectrons_L1, NElectrons_L1}}

    CalculationRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'000000 0000000000 1111111111', NElectrons_L1 - (NConfigurations - 1), NElectrons_L1}}

if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_mlct == 1 then
    InitialRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'111111 0000000000 0000000000', NElectrons_2p, NElectrons_2p},
                                               {'000000 1111111111 0000000000', NElectrons_3d, NElectrons_3d},
                                               {'000000 0000000000 1111111111', NElectrons_L2, NElectrons_L2}}

    FinalRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'111111 0000000000 0000000000', NElectrons_2p - 1, NElectrons_2p - 1},
                                             {'000000 1111111111 0000000000', NElectrons_3d + 1, NElectrons_3d + 1},
                                             {'000000 0000000000 1111111111', NElectrons_L2, NElectrons_L2}}

    CalculationRestrictions = {NFermions, NBosons, {'000000 0000000000 1111111111', NElectrons_L2, NElectrons_L2 + (NConfigurations - 1)}}

T = 10.0 * EnergyUnits.Kelvin.value

-- Approximate machine epsilon for single precision arithmetics.
epsilon = 1.19e-07

NPsis = 45
NPsisAuto = 1

dZ = {}

if NPsisAuto == 1 and NPsis ~= 1 then
    NPsis = 4
    NPsisIncrement = 8
    NPsisIsConverged = false

    while not NPsisIsConverged do
        if CalculationRestrictions == nil then
            Psis_i = Eigensystem(H_i, InitialRestrictions, NPsis)
            Psis_i = Eigensystem(H_i, InitialRestrictions, NPsis, {{'restrictions', CalculationRestrictions}})

        if not (type(Psis_i) == 'table') then
            Psis_i = {Psis_i}

        E_gs_i = Psis_i[1] * H_i * Psis_i[1]

        Z = 0

        for i, Psi in ipairs(Psis_i) do
            E = Psi * H_i * Psi

            if math.abs(E - E_gs_i) < epsilon then
                dZ[i] = 1
                dZ[i] = math.exp(-(E - E_gs_i) / T)

            Z = Z + dZ[i]

            if (dZ[i] / Z) < math.sqrt(epsilon) then
                i = i - 1
                NPsisIsConverged = true
                NPsis = i
                Psis_i = {unpack(Psis_i, 1, i)}
                dZ = {unpack(dZ, 1, i)}

        if NPsisIsConverged then
            NPsis = NPsis + NPsisIncrement
    if CalculationRestrictions == nil then
        Psis_i = Eigensystem(H_i, InitialRestrictions, NPsis)
        Psis_i = Eigensystem(H_i, InitialRestrictions, NPsis, {{'restrictions', CalculationRestrictions}})

    if not (type(Psis_i) == 'table') then
        Psis_i = {Psis_i}
        E_gs_i = Psis_i[1] * H_i * Psis_i[1]

    Z = 0

    for i, Psi in ipairs(Psis_i) do
        E = Psi * H_i * Psi

        if math.abs(E - E_gs_i) < epsilon then
            dZ[i] = 1
            dZ[i] = math.exp(-(E - E_gs_i) / T)

        Z = Z + dZ[i]

-- Normalize dZ to unity.
for i in ipairs(dZ) do
    dZ[i] = dZ[i] / Z

-- Define some helper function for the spectra calculation.
function ValueInTable(value, table)
    -- Check if a value is in a table.
    for k, v in ipairs(table) do
        if value == v then
            return true
    return false

function GetSpectrum(G, T, Psis, indices, dZSpectra)
    -- Extract the spectra corresponding to the operators identified
    -- using the indices argument. The returned spectrum is a weighted
    -- sum, where the weights are the Boltzmann probabilities.
    if not (type(indices) == 'table') then
        indices = {indices}

    c = 1
    dZSpectrum = {}

    for i in ipairs(T) do
        for k in ipairs(Psis) do
            if ValueInTable(i, indices) then
                table.insert(dZSpectrum, dZSpectra[c])
                table.insert(dZSpectrum, 0)
            c = c + 1

    return Spectra.Sum(G, dZSpectrum)

function SaveSpectrum(G, suffix)
    -- Scale, broaden, and save the spectrum to disk.
    G = -1 / math.pi * G

    Gmin1 = 0.48 - Gamma
    Gmax1 = 0.52 - Gamma
    Egamma1 = (862.7 - Eedge1) + DeltaE
    G.Broaden(0, {{Emin, Gmin1}, {Egamma1, Gmin1}, {Egamma1, Gmax1}, {Emax, Gmax1}})

    G.Print({{'file', 'Ni2+_Oh_2p_XAS_' .. suffix .. '.spec'}})

-- Define the transition operators.
t = math.sqrt(1/2)

Tx_2p_3d = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p, {{1, -1, t    }, {1, 1, -t    }})
Ty_2p_3d = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p, {{1, -1, t * I}, {1, 1,  t * I}})
Tz_2p_3d = NewOperator('CF', NFermions, IndexUp_3d, IndexDn_3d, IndexUp_2p, IndexDn_2p, {{1,  0, 1    }                })

k = {0, 0, 1}
ev = {0, 1, 0}
eh = {1, 0, 0}

-- Calculate the right and left polarization vectors.
er = {t * (eh[1] - I * ev[1]),
      t * (eh[2] - I * ev[2]),
      t * (eh[3] - I * ev[3])}

el = {-t * (eh[1] + I * ev[1]),
      -t * (eh[2] + I * ev[2]),
      -t * (eh[3] + I * ev[3])}

function CalculateT(e)
    -- Calculate the transition operator for arbitrary polarization.
    T = e[1] * Tx_2p_3d + e[2] * Ty_2p_3d + e[3] * Tz_2p_3d
    return Chop(T)

Tv_2p_3d = CalculateT(ev)
Th_2p_3d = CalculateT(eh)
Tr_2p_3d = CalculateT(er)
Tl_2p_3d = CalculateT(el)
Tk_2p_3d = CalculateT(k)

-- List with the user selected spectra.
spectra = {'Isotropic'}

-- Create two lists, one with the operators and the second with
-- the indices of the operators required to calculate a given
-- spectrum.
T_2p_3d = {}
indices_2p_3d = {}
c = 1

spectrum = 'Isotropic'
if ValueInTable(spectrum, spectra) then
    indices_2p_3d[spectrum] = {}
    for j, operator in ipairs({Tr_2p_3d, Tl_2p_3d, Tk_2p_3d}) do
        table.insert(T_2p_3d, operator)
        table.insert(indices_2p_3d[spectrum], c)
        c = c + 1

spectrum = 'Circular Dichroism'
if ValueInTable(spectrum, spectra) then
    indices_2p_3d[spectrum] = {}
    if ValueInTable('Isotropic', spectra) then
        table.insert(indices_2p_3d[spectrum], 1)
        table.insert(indices_2p_3d[spectrum], 2)
        for j, operator in ipairs({Tr_2p_3d, Tl_2p_3d}) do
            table.insert(T_2p_3d, operator)
            table.insert(indices_2p_3d[spectrum], c)
            c = c + 1

spectrum = 'Linear Dichroism'
if ValueInTable(spectrum, spectra) then
    indices_2p_3d[spectrum] = {}
    for j, operator in ipairs({Tv_2p_3d, Th_2p_3d}) do
        table.insert(T_2p_3d, operator)
        table.insert(indices_2p_3d[spectrum], c)
        c = c + 1

-- Calculate and save the spectra.
Sk = Chop(k[1] * Sx + k[2] * Sy + k[3] * Sz)
Lk = Chop(k[1] * Lx + k[2] * Ly + k[3] * Lz)
Jk = Chop(k[1] * Jx + k[2] * Jy + k[3] * Jz)
Tk = Chop(k[1] * Tx + k[2] * Ty + k[3] * Tz)

Operators = {H_i, Ssqr, Lsqr, Jsqr, Sk, Lk, Jk, Tk, ldots_3d, N_2p, N_3d, 'dZ'}
header = 'Analysis of the initial Hamiltonian:\n'
header = header .. '=================================================================================================================================\n'
header = header .. 'State         <E>     <S^2>     <L^2>     <J^2>      <Sk>      <Lk>      <Jk>      <Tk>     <l.s>    <N_2p>    <N_3d>          dZ\n'
header = header .. '=================================================================================================================================\n'
footer = '=================================================================================================================================\n'

if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_lmct == 1 then
    Operators = {H_i, Ssqr, Lsqr, Jsqr, Sk, Lk, Jk, Tk, ldots_3d, N_2p, N_3d, N_L1, 'dZ'}
    header = 'Analysis of the initial Hamiltonian:\n'
    header = header .. '===========================================================================================================================================\n'
    header = header .. 'State         <E>     <S^2>     <L^2>     <J^2>      <Sk>      <Lk>      <Jk>      <Tk>     <l.s>    <N_2p>    <N_3d>    <N_L1>          dZ\n'
    header = header .. '===========================================================================================================================================\n'
    footer = '===========================================================================================================================================\n'

if H_3d_ligands_hybridization_mlct == 1 then
    Operators = {H_i, Ssqr, Lsqr, Jsqr, Sk, Lk, Jk, Tk, ldots_3d, N_2p, N_3d, N_L2, 'dZ'}
    header = 'Analysis of the initial Hamiltonian:\n'
    header = header .. '===========================================================================================================================================\n'
    header = header .. 'State         <E>     <S^2>     <L^2>     <J^2>      <Sk>      <Lk>      <Jk>      <Tk>     <l.s>    <N_2p>    <N_3d>    <N_L2>          dZ\n'
    header = header .. '===========================================================================================================================================\n'
    footer = '===========================================================================================================================================\n'

for i, Psi in ipairs(Psis_i) do
    io.write(string.format('%5d', i))
    for j, Operator in ipairs(Operators) do
        if j == 1 then
            io.write(string.format('%12.6f', Complex.Re(Psi * Operator * Psi)))
        elseif Operator == 'dZ' then
            io.write(string.format('%12.2E', dZ[i]))
            io.write(string.format('%10.4f', Complex.Re(Psi * Operator * Psi)))

if next(spectra) == nil then

E_gs_i = Psis_i[1] * H_i * Psis_i[1]

if CalculationRestrictions == nil then
    Psis_f = Eigensystem(H_f, FinalRestrictions, 1)
    Psis_f = Eigensystem(H_f, FinalRestrictions, 1, {{'restrictions', CalculationRestrictions}})

Psis_f = {Psis_f}
E_gs_f = Psis_f[1] * H_f * Psis_f[1]

Eedge1 = 852.7
DeltaE = E_gs_f - E_gs_i

Emin = (842.7 - Eedge1) + DeltaE
Emax = (882.7 - Eedge1) + DeltaE
NE = 1000
Gamma = 0.1
DenseBorder = 2000

if CalculationRestrictions == nil then
    G_2p_3d = CreateSpectra(H_f, T_2p_3d, Psis_i, {{'Emin', Emin}, {'Emax', Emax}, {'NE', NE}, {'Gamma', Gamma}, {'DenseBorder', DenseBorder}})
    G_2p_3d = CreateSpectra(H_f, T_2p_3d, Psis_i, {{'Emin', Emin}, {'Emax', Emax}, {'NE', NE}, {'Gamma', Gamma}, {'restrictions', CalculationRestrictions}, {'DenseBorder', DenseBorder}})

-- Create a list with the Boltzmann probabilities for a given operator
-- and state.
dZ_2p_3d = {}
for i in ipairs(T_2p_3d) do
    for j in ipairs(Psis_i) do
        table.insert(dZ_2p_3d, dZ[j])

Pcl_2p_3d = 2

spectrum = 'Isotropic'
if ValueInTable(spectrum, spectra) then
    Giso = GetSpectrum(G_2p_3d, T_2p_3d, Psis_i, indices_2p_3d[spectrum], dZ_2p_3d)
    Giso = Giso / 3 / Pcl_2p_3d
    SaveSpectrum(Giso, 'iso')

spectrum = 'Circular Dichroism'
if ValueInTable(spectrum, spectra) then
    Gr = GetSpectrum(G_2p_3d, T_2p_3d, Psis_i, indices_2p_3d[spectrum][1], dZ_2p_3d)
    Gl = GetSpectrum(G_2p_3d, T_2p_3d, Psis_i, indices_2p_3d[spectrum][2], dZ_2p_3d)
    Gr = Gr / Pcl_2p_3d
    Gl = Gl / Pcl_2p_3d
    SaveSpectrum(Gr, 'r')
    SaveSpectrum(Gl, 'l')
    SaveSpectrum(Gr - Gl, 'cd')

spectrum = 'Linear Dichroism'
if ValueInTable(spectrum, spectra) then
    Gv = GetSpectrum(G_2p_3d, T_2p_3d, Psis_i, indices_2p_3d[spectrum][1], dZ_2p_3d)
    Gh = GetSpectrum(G_2p_3d, T_2p_3d, Psis_i, indices_2p_3d[spectrum][2], dZ_2p_3d)
    Gv = Gv / Pcl_2p_3d
    Gh = Gh / Pcl_2p_3d
    SaveSpectrum(Gv, 'v')
    SaveSpectrum(Gh, 'h')
    SaveSpectrum(Gv - Gh, 'ld')
, 2022/03/01 04:53

Hello Jyoti,

I don't spot anything necessarily incorrect in the .lua input file. Because of the way the wiki does syntax it thinks a lot of parts of the raw script are actually formatting instructions so it is a little difficult to read what you posted. Would it be possible for you to share the Ni2+_Oh_2p_XAS.lua file directly, perhaps through a google drive link, so that I can run it on my machine?

I am also curious to see what happens if you try downloading a different edition of Crispy and see if you get the same issue.

Finally, I also recommend you try running the .lua script using Quanty directly on your machine and see if you get the same error. I don't expect that this is an issue with the GUI Crispy, but it will help narrow down the problem.

, 2022/03/01 10:09, 2022/03/01 10:14

Dear Jyoti and Charles,

If you add the text on the wiki between the tags $<$code$>$ and $<$/code$>$ it will format it correctly. I've modified your previous message on the Wiki.


, 2022/03/01 10:14

Which version of Quanty do you use? The operators T were not available in the first version


, 2022/03/01 17:24

Hello sir, Thanks for replying. I m using Quanty 2018 autumn version. As I am running the program, I am facing some errors which are as follows:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\HP>crispy Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\crispy\gui\quanty.py", line

1587, in runCalculation

  subprocess.call(command, stdout=f, stderr=f)
File "C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\lib\subprocess.py", line 317, in call
  with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as p:
File "C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\lib\subprocess.py", line 769, in __init__
  restore_signals, start_new_session)
File "C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\lib\subprocess.py", line 1172, in _execute_chi



OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\lib\site-packages\crispy\gui\quanty.py", line

1589, in runCalculation

  if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT:

AttributeError: module 'os' has no attribute 'errno'


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