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Language Reference

This section contains a list of all functions implemented in Quanty. We separate the documentation into 3 parts, Constants, Global functions, and Objects.

  • Constants are lists of some useful numbers (electron mass, value of the speed of light, …).
  • Global functions are, as the name suggests functions available in Quanty that take a set of input parameters and produce several output values. In general the internal algorithm used is context dependent. For example Eigensystem will use dense methods is the dimension of the Hilbert space is small and sparse methods if the dimension is large. You can control the automated behaviour of functions with the use of options.
  • Objects define a data structure and a set of libraries that can act on these data structures. For example the object matrix defines the data type Matrix and a set of functions such as Matrix.Chop() or Matrix.Eigensystem(). These functions take a matrix and possible other variables as input and return values, leaving the arguments unchanged. If A is a matrix then one can use methods by indexing the variable. A.Chop() acts with the function Chop on A and stores the result in A. i.e. it changes the variable used to call the method. Operations define how A + B, A-B or 1/A is implemented and properties define what happens when you index a data structure.


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