
The function ResponseFunction.ChangeType(G, type, …) can be used to transform the representation of a response function. In Quanty, there are 4 different types for the response function:

  • list of poles (ListOfPoles)
  • tri-diagonal (Tri)
  • Anderson (And)
  • natural impurity orbital (Nat)

See the first page about response functions for more information on how response functions are internally represented.

These types are related to each other by unitary transformations. ResponseFunction.ChangeType(G) allows one to transform between types.

Note that

  • Internal functions can change the type of a response function.
  • Internal functions accept all different types of a response function.
  • All transformations are unitary, i.e. bijective, however they take time and might lead to significance loss.
  • You can add or subtract response functions of different types.

Table of contents
